Our CTE (Career & Technical Education) teachers were at the Center downtown last night from 5:00-7:00. We held a career expo to expose the community to all of the great things we teach at our high school in Career and Technical Education. Guests had the opportunity to eat dinner and participate in a raffle for fabulous prizes. There was a great turnout and I think people were enlightened by all that we teach. YOU ARE LUCKY TO BE A MILLIONAIRE & HAVE THESE GREAT OPPORTUNITIES AT YOUR SCHOOL...TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM AND SCHEDULE A CTE CLASS FOR NEXT YEAR!
Every Wednesday (April 30-May 28) we will hold mini-workshops from 5:00-7:00 at the Center for anyone to come and learn a skill. THESE WORKSHOPS ARE FREE TO ANYONE LIVING IN OUR SCHOOL DISTRICT...NO NEED TO SIGN UP IN ADVANCE! Workshops include: Printing/Graphics & Construction Trades (April 30), Computer Skills & Welding/Manufacturing (May 7), Foods & Child Care (May 14), Auto Care & Horticulture (May 21), Health Care (May 28).
Here are a few pictures from the event: