Thursday, July 30, 2009

Functions of the Brain

Well, today we've learned all about how the brain works...which you learn about throughout your education...but today it became crystal clear how the brain functions impact behavior in school! POWERFUL STUFF :-)

My brain will be focused on CRUSHING Mr. Moon & Mr. Fausnaught tonight in cards for the Championship of the week (yes...Mr. Z & I tied up competition 2-2 with a victory last night)!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

AWESOME "stuff"!!!!!!!

Can't even explain how excited today's Governor's School presentation has made me. It's always good to reconnect with our passions :-) Is it September 1st yet???

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Seriously???!!! Somehow, some way Mr. Fausnaught and Mr. Moon are whooping Mr. Zangara and me at cards during our week at Bloomsburg together....and it's NOT because they have skills!!! I just can't figure it out.

We are learning A LOT of great stuff during the days while we're here to bring back to the 'Port for improving our's only at night that we talk trash and play cards :-)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Card Playing....

So, I'm at Bloomsburg University for a week as I stated before. We decided to have a nightly game or 2 of my favorite, Euchre. Last night, Mr. Zangara and I took 2 out of 3 games from Mr. Moon & Mr. Fausnaught. Tonight, however, they took 3 of 5 games's the kicker...Mr. Fausnaught had 3 perfect loners. HMMMMMM....he looks innocent enough doesn't he???
CARD SHUFFLING FOOL!!! We'll get you tomorrow night :-)

Working Over the Summer

Hey all! It's been a long time since I last blogged...SORRY...guess I got BOGGED down :-)

Summer is going well. I've been on quite a few trips (Tennessee, Washington DC, Camp Dost) & now I'm at Governor's School at Bloomsburg University with Mr. Moon, Mr. Zangara, and Mr. Fausnaught. We are learning lots of good stuff to hopefully make WAHS even better than what it already is.

Keep enjoying summer vacation & we'll see you in about a month!