Friday, November 13, 2009

I'm enjoying TN!!!

I made it to TN tonight around 7:30...Heather T and I have already been shopping :-) Check out her new outfit for the wedding we're going to tomorrow:

Monday, November 2, 2009


I was honored to represent Williamsport as a finalist for 2010 Pennsylvania Teacher of the Year! My students, colleagues, family, & friends were super supportive & excited for me. It really takes all of us working together to make it happen thanks to all of you :-)

The 12 PA Teacher of the Year Finalists for 2010 (they were all jealous of my nice Millionaire shirt)!

My mom & aunt with me at the Capitol

Mom & I spiffed up for a nice dinner & dessert at the Governor's Mansion (no, he wasn't there...I think he may have been at the Eagles vs. Redskins game in D.C.)!

Mr. Elliott, me, Nuria Hunter (my student presenter), & Dr. Kelley after the awards ceremony.

One of the many cool prizes we received! (I plan on allowing a student each period sit in this chair....afterall, it's because of my students that I'm able to be a teacher)!

Period 1 students ready to devour another of my prizes!

This is what 5 lbs of chocolate looks like!

This is what was left of the 5 lbs. of chocolate after a day in G202! (my students saved me 12,000 calories by helping me eat this) :-)