Thursday, October 18, 2007

"STRAWS? What are we doing with straws?"

That was the question of the day as students entered class and read the chalkboard for the day's game plan. After giving a test of what keys we've learned so far this year, Mrs. Getz and I decided to put in a little teambuilding activity.

Each student was given a straw and then in groups, they formed circles and held the straws around their circle by fingertips. Then, without talking, they had to perform various movements without dropping any straws. I have to say students, you did better than I thought you would! It was a lot of fun to see how students communicated to each other without talking to keep their team in the game. Circles moved left, right, forward, backwards, down on one knee, all the way sitting down, hopping, eyes closed....ALL WITHOUT DROPPING THEIR STRAWS AND NO TALKING! least for a little while the straws didn't drop!

Most impressive was at the end of the activity, students discussed the adjustments they realized their team had to make in order to overcome problems they encountered and they found ways to work better together. What an excellent life lesson....GOOD JOB TEAMS!


Unknown said...

That was so freakin hard!! But it was fun. See Monday!

Anonymous said...

that game was to hard