Monday, November 26, 2007

A Great Break!

Seems hard to believe it's time to return to school tomorrow...yet, I'm grateful for the time off! My break from school was fun, relaxing, and jam packed. WHAT DID YOU DO OVER VACATION?

Thanksgiving day I went to my parents' house for dinner--it's always good to "go home". My 11-month old niece Maddy ate more than I ever knew a little body like that could hold :)

My mom and I braved the "Black Friday crowd"...or so we thought we would! When we got to the mall, we just kept on driving...didn't even try to find a parking spot...I mean really, WHERE DO ALL THOSE PEOPLE COME FROM? We hit some smaller stores around town and did just fine.

Saturday I did some shopping on my own and met up with my best friend from high school and her family. Her dad, my high school basketball coach, was there so I got the low down on this year's North Penn girls' basketball team....GOOD LUCK LADY PANTHERS!

I tried to get the lights on the Christmas tree on Sunday (still working on that task). DID ANYBODY ELSE GET A LITTLE EXCITED WHEN THE EAGLES ALMOST BEAT THE UNDEFEATED that game peaked my interest yet again in the BIRDS!

This morning I got up early and went back to Blossburg to hang out with my niece while my brother and dad got in some hunting. Unfortunately, all they got was was a rough opening day for hunters! I headed home in the late afternoon to tackle some more lights on the tree...still not done...should've bought a pre-lit tree! Kinda reminds me of Chevy Chase's's a must see this time of year and was the only thing I was laughing at while tangled up in lights and tree branches!

Now it's time to rest up for tomorrow's big day back to school! I always feel I need a vacation from my vacation. LET'S GET A LOT DONE IN THE NEXT MONTH BEFORE OUR NEXT BIG BREAK...this is the time of year when some students slip a little on their grades because of all the vacations so stay on top of things and work hard over the next month...then you can truly enjoy the holidays and not worry about school! PROGRESS REPORTS WILL BE OUT IN A FEW SHORT WEEKS...what will yours look like?

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

"Gobble Gobble..."

“When we are grateful for the good we already have, we attract more good into our life. On the other hand, when we are ungrateful, we tend to shut ourselves off from the good we might otherwise experience.” ~Margaret Stortz

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I wish each of you an awesome vacation full of good times with family & friends. Remember to give thanks for all that you have, tell those you love that you are grateful to have them in your life, stuff your belly with good food, watch some football, go out shopping on "Black Friday" if you dare, and enjoy yourselves.

GOOD LUCK TO THE HUNTERS...bring me a picture of your trophy buck!

I'll see you back in school on Tuesday, November up for 3-minute timings and a test on the keys when you return :)

Monday, November 19, 2007

Sorry for your loss Mr. Zangara!

The agony continues for my pal Mr. Z (principal at Curtin). The Eagles beat his winless Dolphins yesterday...I should have bet him! It's ok Mr. Z...the Eagles aren't looking too great either :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Veteran's Day

DON'T FORGET TO THANK A VETERAN OVER THE WEEKEND....Sunday, November 11 is Veteran's Day! Those who have served, and/or continue to serve, to protect our country and help defend others deserve our gratitude for their courage....regardless of our individual viewpoints on wars. There are 3 great men in my life whom I will mention briefly here in honor of this day:

(1) MY DAD - My dad is a Vietnam Veteran. If you know any veterans, most of them don't necessarily like to talk about their experiences with war and violence. My dad is one of them! He did, however, manage to instill in my brother and I a sense of pride in our great country and respect for our veterans. We've had some great 4th of July parties celebrating the red, white, and blue! Sure, we have our problems in the United States...but, WOW...we also have so many opportunities....opportunities that many people would and have died for! My dad is actively involved with my hometown VFW and American Legion posts so when I go home, I often get to see many veterans at these places and events they hold.

(2) GRANDPA STACHOWSKI - I have the flag that draped his casket at his military funeral 12 years reminds me daily of the courage he showed to earn a bravery medal during World War II (something he rarely discussed or showed to anyone).

(3) UNCLE ALFRED - I am also blessed to have been given my Great Uncle Alfred's Army ring by his wife upon his death a few years ago. Each day when I open my jewelry box, I see his ring in there (it's like a class ring). It reminds me of his career in the Army and the many years of his life he dedicated to working for his country.

I have many other family members and some friends, as well as former students, who have served or are currently serving our country. I have always tried to support them...just hearing someone say "THANKS" means a lot to them! My dad's card will be in the mail Friday...what are you doing to show your gratitude to a veteran?


Just wanted to check in as I promised...Penn State is fun! I'm learning a lot of good stuff at this conference to bring back to you. I've been in touch through e-mail and have heard the majority of you are working hard and behaving for the substitute...THANK YOU! Those who aren't...we'll talk when I return!

Hope you enjoy your upcoming 4 days off...don't forget you're not in school on Thursday and Friday this week! Seeing as though I haven't been in school yesterday or today and won't be back until tomorrow afternoon, you all should be missing me terribly by the time we meet again next Monday, November 12 :) Drop me a comment and let me know how things are going!