Tuesday, November 20, 2007

"Gobble Gobble..."

“When we are grateful for the good we already have, we attract more good into our life. On the other hand, when we are ungrateful, we tend to shut ourselves off from the good we might otherwise experience.” ~Margaret Stortz

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I wish each of you an awesome vacation full of good times with family & friends. Remember to give thanks for all that you have, tell those you love that you are grateful to have them in your life, stuff your belly with good food, watch some football, go out shopping on "Black Friday" if you dare, and enjoy yourselves.

GOOD LUCK TO THE HUNTERS...bring me a picture of your trophy buck!

I'll see you back in school on Tuesday, November 27....rest up for 3-minute timings and a test on the keys when you return :)

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