Friday, November 7, 2008

Parent-Teacher Conferences...

THANK YOU to all parents who took the time to visit our school the past 2 days for conferences. I enjoyed meeting with parents and discussing what we can do to make school even better for you! We are truly a team that, like any team, needs to work together to win. As a team, we accomplish many victories along the path of your high school education. This team is made up of students, parents, teachers, administrators, counselors, school staff, coaches, and even your friends. Working together is the easiest way to accomplish these victories. Our championship victory comes the day our students walk across the stage to receive their high school diploma! On graduation night each year, as a school family, we are on top of the world and realize that all of the struggles are worth it. Nothing is better than seeing you in your cap & gown! THAT IS OUR GOAL! You see this every day at the front of our classroom for a reason:

SO KEEP AFTER THAT CHAMPIONSHIP! You must practice (do your homework, study outside of the school day, manage your time wisely, make smart decisions). THE CHAMPIONSHIP (DIPLOMA) IS ON THE LINE...IT'S WITHIN YOUR REACH...all you have to do is GO FOR IT WITH ALL YOU HAVE & I GUARANTEE SUCCESS! We're here to help...let us :-)

Thanks again PARENTS...keep in touch!

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