Tuesday, December 2, 2008

15 school days and counting....

It's been a while since I last blogged...SORRY....time just flies!

We are now moving into our career unit where we will be exploring the world of your interests/skills, career choices, college/post-secondary options, & real world living. This week and next week we'll be taking a look at what it costs to live on your own....talk about REALITY CHECK! I hope that you get a practical look at why it's important to stay in school, get as much education as you can, and choose a career that you are passionate about. The "real world" is tough enough if you do all of these things, let alone if you take a tougher path!

I hope you all had a relaxing Thanksgiving break. Only 15 more school days left until our winter holiday vacation :-) WE CAN MAKE IT!

I enjoyed spending time with my family and shopping for Christmas over Thanksgiving break. Here are a few pictures of me with my niece and nephew, Maddy and Patrick:

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