Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Not a big fan of snow days simply because we lose a planned vacation day then & are stuck inside with nothing to do on days like today.

However, since I didn't go to bed until after midnight last night...I'll take today's snow day :-)

Plan on finishing grading your college research papers, taking a nap, perhaps playing a little guitar hero with some friends....MAYBE SNOW DAYS AREN'T SO BAD AFTERALL!!!

Speaking of snow...check out this ghetto snowman Heather T, my godchild from TN, and I made at my place right before our holiday vacation. I wasn't prepared to make a snowman so we had to improvise: pencils for arms, bows for mittens, celery for eyes & nose, a sock for a scarf, & a wide variety of hat choices. Here's our creation:

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