Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Many of you have poked fun at my 2 favorite teams the past couple of days....can't say that I blame you. I am beginning to wonder what's happening! The Mets have lost 5 straight and the Phillies are now only 1.5 games from catching up to us...not good heading into playoffs. Then there's the Eagles. The offense is just not looking like they gel these days...not sure what's going on there! I'll end with a favorite Mets quote from their Amazing Year in 1969...."YA GOTTA BELIEVE"!!!

Let's go....

1 comment:

Mr. Fausnaught said...

Miss Youman, Mr. Zangara led me to your blog and I wanted to let you know how awesome it is!

Tim Fausnaught
Loyalsock Middle school