Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Veteran's Day

DON'T FORGET TO THANK A VETERAN OVER THE WEEKEND....Sunday, November 11 is Veteran's Day! Those who have served, and/or continue to serve, to protect our country and help defend others deserve our gratitude for their courage....regardless of our individual viewpoints on wars. There are 3 great men in my life whom I will mention briefly here in honor of this day:

(1) MY DAD - My dad is a Vietnam Veteran. If you know any veterans, most of them don't necessarily like to talk about their experiences with war and violence. My dad is one of them! He did, however, manage to instill in my brother and I a sense of pride in our great country and respect for our veterans. We've had some great 4th of July parties celebrating the red, white, and blue! Sure, we have our problems in the United States...but, WOW...we also have so many opportunities....opportunities that many people would and have died for! My dad is actively involved with my hometown VFW and American Legion posts so when I go home, I often get to see many veterans at these places and events they hold.

(2) GRANDPA STACHOWSKI - I have the flag that draped his casket at his military funeral 12 years ago...it reminds me daily of the courage he showed to earn a bravery medal during World War II (something he rarely discussed or showed to anyone).

(3) UNCLE ALFRED - I am also blessed to have been given my Great Uncle Alfred's Army ring by his wife upon his death a few years ago. Each day when I open my jewelry box, I see his ring in there (it's like a class ring). It reminds me of his career in the Army and the many years of his life he dedicated to working for his country.

I have many other family members and some friends, as well as former students, who have served or are currently serving our country. I have always tried to support them...just hearing someone say "THANKS" means a lot to them! My dad's card will be in the mail Friday...what are you doing to show your gratitude to a veteran?


Principal Zangara said...

Awesome Blog site Miss Y! Keep up the great work. I will keep checking in. Tell all the Curtin kids I said What Up and I will Hollar at them later!

Anonymous said...

hey Miss Youmans
Nice pictures ..... So it looks like being in the military is big in ur Family

Anonymous said...

Miss Youmans

My grandfather was also in the army. But he is not here any more. My dad kept his army clothes and my grandmother kept the pictures of when he was in the army

Mrs. Weaver said...

You should be very proud of your grandfather and tell his story to many people!